Thursday 23 June 2011

Back on the Ink!

Pic from:

WHOA! It's been that long already?!

In reference to the Indie Ink Challenge, I haven't joined in with that raucous bunch of writers who I’ve grown to admire and miss since not signing up since the first week of May. Ok, so a month has gone by and I’ve had a break from posting my work online (which means I’ve been writing in secret) and I feel like I need to be surrounded by amazing talent once again and the easiest way to do that from the comfort of my desk is via the, CHALLENGE!

That said I have kept up with 'writings' from a few ‘Inkers’ out there but not as intensely as I would if I was in the fray myself, so I’m back! I signed up this morning and will be looking out for the usual prompts emails from the website editors.

Why would I blog about something I’m going to do like a redundant Facebook status update?! Because I’m excited, especially about writing spontaneously and being pushed to stretch my powers of creativity.
I think a month without the II-Challenge is long enough!


  1. Yahoo!! Welcome back! And you know,, a good source has it that there are at least two especially awesome prompts out there this week...just sayin...

  2. I heard those prompts are legendary! Erm ... just sayin ...
