Sunday, 10 April 2011


If you're not watching the most audacious animated show currently on TV then you must be living under a rock without an antenna.
"Who the hell is Archer, and what the shit-snacks is Stefan talking about?"

Archer is just straight-up wrong. The entire show is wrong. The characters are completely dysfunctional as well as the comedy but 'holy shit-snacks' it's funny as hell. (If you haven't already guessed, one of the characters in the show is forever saying 'holy shit-snacks').
Codenamed "Duchess" Archer is thought of as the greatest spy alive due to his situational awareness, weapons skills and fighting ability. But ... Archer only really likes his job because he gets paid obscene amounts of cash which fuels his jet-setting lifestyle of fast cars, casual sex and personal luxuries. The guy isn't too quick on the uptake and often forgets his witty one-liners (a pre-requisite for a super-spy). It's a great spoof of the spy genre that works on so many levels that could be easily missed if viewers aren't keyed up on their pop-culture. Some of the jokes may race over peoples heads and the banter is quick like virgin sex so you really have to watch out for the less obvious jokes that crop up in most scenes. Gladly I'm well endowed in the golden era of the late 70s - 90s so I sit there staring at the screen with a smile on my face and the need to swear at someone just for the hell of it.

Each episode is a complete cluster-fuck of epic proportions. I would have wrote a disclaimer for this blog stating that I will occasionally swear, but I can't help but mirror the debauchery the show emits in tangible pungent waves. It's flippin' AWESOME!
I like the fact that the creator, Adam Reed doesn't give a shit-snacks about the scripts he submits to the FX Network or the fact that they accept it, air it, and generate more viewers.

Episode 11 Season 2 is about as good as it gets and with Season 3 given the green light I'll be on London transport very soon with a special gleam in my eyes.

Here's a teaser for ya:

I couldn't resist posting another:


  1. I feel like it should have been titled NOOOOOPE! to get the full inflection of the character - what say you?
