Saturday, 22 January 2011

I'm a fortunate guy

You know when someone's giving you a pep talk and they say stuff like; "anything is possible" or "you just have to believe you can do it" it always sounds so clichéd, but do we ever actually go away and really put our hearts into making the impossible possible or the unbelievable, easy?

My girlfriend was chatting to me last night and I was a little down and depressed due to something that's ongoing with someone very close to me. She spared me the kinds of things that have been said over and over, and firmly told me down the phone in as many words that I'm the kind of person who can deal with whatever life puts my way. She doesn't believe things will get better, she believes that I will make them get better.

Like an empty container I began to fill up with a warm sensation as though invincibility was made in liquid form and it was being poured into my belly.
I ended that phone call with a smile.

Thanks honey! Xx

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