Saturday, 22 January 2011

Good or bad, it was still a, week ...

It's after 1am and I'm still up. The week had its ups and downs and I'm glad that I didn't let certain things at work slip away from me. Keeping calendar items/to do lists on my phone has helped immensely.
The subtotal of my efforts produced several reports, two case studies and two new referrals. The proposal I wrote before Christmas has been passed around to various managers within the Southwark area and my project has been given the green-light. Things being the way they are right now the project will kick off next Tuesday (we really don't have the room to waste time).

Personally I've had a few ups and downs. I'm still in lots of pain. The hospital has yet to give me a date for my surgery so I'm walking around with two ticking time bombs in my insides.
Strangely, when I'm at basketball with my son, which I have been twice this week, the pain is non-existent and shooting is relaxing. I did a bit of coaching too - two of the boys at the session were shooting a little flat, so I offered a few tips to get their shooting arc a little exaggerated. It worked as both guys began draining shots, nothing but net, for the next 45mins.

I left home this morning on a high. Should I take credit for the afternoon sunshine? YEAH, I think I deserve that. I was happy for no reason and chose not to question it.
A lot of folks were throwing up status updates about it begin Friday, you know the usual stuff. I find it strange that so many people pray for the week to end, surely if you're not loving what you do then you should do something you love. It makes sense after all, well, doesn't it?

Enough! I'm off to bed. Danielle did say nothing good ever happens after 10pm and nothing good can ever come from something beginning after midnight. I kinda disagree, but I won't push my luck.

Nightie, night, night! ;-)

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