Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Women ...and making the first move...

Pic sampled from: Google

I've listened to a lot of 'How we met' stories over the years and one common theme within many is the fact that the girl isn't the one that notices the guy, and more often she didn't actually like him at first.

D'you see? That simply tells me that guy was super persistent and possibly wore that woman down until she submitted defeat and said yes to a drink/date/coffee.

The realisation led me to engage a few female work colleagues on the topic and; 95% said that its traditional for the man to make the first move, they also mentioned they may not particularly like the guy or his advances, but it's the ‘done’ thing! Why change a habit of a lifetime?
Something else that crept out of the discussion was, “Men thinking we’re up for anything straightaway because we instigated the initial attraction.” Okay, I can understand that particular argument, some guys can lack a ‘self-control’ button, but for guys like me who think they are quite mature and can easily navigate engaging with a woman who goes after what she wants, we don’t often see those brilliant individuals because they may have noticed us but go into ‘second-guess-myself’ mode and we pass each other by without a word.

Armed with the revelation sure to send me on a pathway laden with success and rejection I couldn't help wondering why women feel it's not their responsibility to make the first move. My answer came from a number of female sources in various forms and guises, but the one that stuck with me was: "Men are supposed to be the hunters, it's what y'all do!"

I can't really hide behind the excuse that I'm busy anymore, or I have too much going on to get involved with anyone. That ship has upped anchor. I am still swamped but I can make time (something I haven't been willing to do lately).

My problem isn't an inability to make a move albeit the first one, I just find women who make that move are extremely sexy. Confident women really, really, really turn me on!

The next few days/night are laden with lunches, nights out, drinks and socialising, so we'll see what happens... 

I think Monica captures the essence of this evenings thought-ramblings:


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