Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Let's think about everyone else for a change

Image taken from:

Okay, so this isn’t one of my usual posts but it does have a distinctive theme, it’s going to be short (I hope) and generally all over the place but I’m anchoring it to the notion of ‘attraction’.
The things you think and do really have a lasting effect on how you are and inevitably become (too deep?), okay; what I’m getting at is – subconsciously we all have a plan, it may not be totally apparent even to ourselves but it exists and is ushering us to our chosen destinations.

Truth be told, the destination may not be one that you particularly like but you’re heading there, and why? Because possibly in your depression/self loathing or inability to find a speck of happiness, you’ve opted for a life of creating frown lines. It’s not always something that you can address consciously either. Possibly you’ve had a bad experience/s, a terrible year, lost people or even misplaced yourself somewhere along the way. All these things impact on your mental health and thus dictate your outward impression of yourself that others can see or if you’re not new to this, you’ve been successful in hiding the signs.

Right ... so those two paragraphs above poured out of my fingers with very little connection to my brain so it will be interesting to see in a few days when I read this again whether or not I agree with myself.
What brought me to Kreative Anythingz today was the fact that I’ve been choosing to focus on pushing my work (professional and personal) forwards whilst pulling anyone else along with the same desire for improvement. This has resulted in getting a friend who is applying to be a social worker into an excellent position where even though she applied for a specific post and didn’t get it, the HR department have informed her that she NEEDS to apply again when they re-advertise the post. Also, maybe a few years back two friends and I shot a short documentary for Black History Month that we didn’t submit. I was thinking about it two days ago then got a call last night from one of the guys saying that he’s sending off the footage to various studios to see if he can sell it and get it aired. I’m not saying that my thoughts made that happen, but it made me smile on hearing the news. And, most importantly my son has been tearing it up at Judo and academically and these are areas that as a father I’m always meditating on good things coming to fruition.

Getting here was as easy as realising that in my own periods of fatigue and unhappiness, filling those moments with thoughts of seeing others succeed made me happier and wanting to see myself accomplish my goals also. If I came into a fortune, I would share it so everyone could be as ecstatic as I am and it’s the same thing with people’s lives – the more you strive to enrich theirs, the better your life becomes.

I thought I'd end this one with the beautiful sounds of Stevie. I posted the instrumental recently but here's the song in all its glory!

Nothing like getting people to 'feel it all over'.

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