Thursday, 29 November 2012

A Reflective Memo

Truly I have been absent from writing on my blog having offered up nothing in the way of ‘words’ since the 20th April 2012 back when I was writing for the IndieInk Challenge. It was around about that time that I decided to take some advice from a friend and stop posting my fictional material on the interwebs for all and sundry to view. It wasn’t about the exposure for me. It was more about trying out genres and seeing if anyone liked what I was producing and then going away and fleshing out more behind the scenes. I don’t crave the attention you might receive from people feeding your ego, I’m more interested in whether you enjoyed reading it, and more importantly, if you didn’t and what could be done to improve on the pieces I was writing.
I think because people were quite generous all the time with their comments I began to think either I’m getting this completely right, nailing narratives like a pro; or it’s just a case of not saying what really needs to be said. Either way, I continue to write as much as I can, and only one story at a time which is important for me. I’ve had a tendency in the past to write several short stories at once and when I read them; they all feel (not sound), feel similar.

Above, there was mention that I’d not written on my blog since April of this year. I guess I lost my urge to share. I’ve always been pretty forthcoming and ‘sleeveless’ when it comes to what’s going on in my head and finally, I’ve felt like writing my thoughts down and actually posting them here. I’d be lying if I said I’ve not got a 2013 diary and I’m itching to write in it, hence my sudden, unexpected blog-post.

So, writing aside it’s been a topsy-turvy year, and I’m sure a lot of you out there will agree there have been good times and bad, but the fact you’ve 'clicked' and began reading this, means for better or worse you’re still here. Irrespective of our ups and downs I hope you continue to appreciate you have a lot to be thankful for; I know I do! Forgetting part of the summer I had and this injury I’m now carrying, God/the universe/karma/Buddha (whichever deity you follow) has deemed it possible for me to be happy and remain happy. There’s no need to delve into the details of any negative aspects that have brought me to this positive conclusion, the thing that’s important is that ultimately things are good and getting better and I have someone literally grafting to ensure that I don’t slip or get myself into a position of severe self-deprecation. Not that I’m accustomed to doing that but, motivation comes in all shapes and sizes, and can manifest as material things or, (my personal favourite) people, and without goals we tend to fall short of the person we intend to be and find out we’ve become that person we were struggling to avoid.

I’m not trying to be deep and meaningful on purpose, it’s simply a by-product of working my thoughts out on a page and although you couldn’t see me typing all of this, I barely paused as one idea clashed headlong into another, and from discussing my lack of ‘exposed ink’ lately, I’ve ventured into thinking about who makes my happiness and positivity – possible.

If you’ve read one of my more personal blogs before, you know I like to end with some kind of video/audio... It's not been the greatest of weeks and somewhere along the way I lost the sense of what it means to be selfless. This advert should remain in my head within easy reach at all times.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! More words! I like them, all! I'm happy that you are happy, my friend.
