Tuesday, 21 June 2011

It's not about how you got here ...

Working, especially at a job or career you don't love doesn't leave you with that wholesome feel-good vibe that normally comes from doing something enriching extrinsic or intrinsically. Take note that if you define what you do as a career and you don't like it, then honey, it isn't a career.

I've fallen into the category filled with people that would prefer not to go work. It's not because I have a terrible job, it's not a career but, what I do affects communities and when it's good it's really great. Lately it's been thoroughly uneventful. If you've been following the news lately you'll know that cuts job cuts are being made, people are losing their jobs and services designed for parents and children are disappearing.

I'm faced with a choice as the situation has hit me square on.

The last few months have been 'different'. I've written about this in earlier blogs so if you've read them then you know what I'm talking about (no links have been provided for aesthetic reasons).

I'm both scared and excited about the future which is completely uncertain. There are no guarantees financially, and where I'd usually have contingencies up to the ying yang I'm uncharacteristically unprepared.
It might appear that this blog is being written from a well of anxiety and if people know me to be happier by contrast then I submit my two page apology now ... I'm okay - really I am, kinda. I'm dangling by my shoestrings and it's a whole new experience but until you've been to the edge and taken a peek at purgatory I think it's impossible to make life changing decisions and I mean LIFE CHANGING.

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