Thursday, 14 April 2011

Wormholes and Easter holidays

Pic from 3D Abstract

The kids are on Easter holidays and my son wanted to go to the park. It's a nice day, the sun isn't shining but the birds are singing and it's not cold so I say yes, he grabs one of my basketballs and starts getting ready.
The ball needed some air and he pulls a pump out of nowhere. Unable to resist I ask: "Where did that come from?" To which he replies: "I don't know, it was in my pocket." The temptation to clarify if there's a portal or rip in the space time continuum located inside his pocket is almost as strong as the need to eat a packet of Custard Creams (I love 'em) but I hold back.

I pick up Nothing But Blue Skies by Tom Holt, a book I've been meaning to read for the last two days delayed only by my increased www-dot-ness and blogging. We get to the park and as I'm still severely injured I have every intention of starting the book but I find myself typing blog ideas into my BlackBerry whilst I listen to children run around screaming at each other as their parents chat; occasionally looking around to make sure their children are still nearby.

I love the way kids make friends almost automatically. Imagine if we could do that. Picture it: You're in a restaurant sitting alone and go over to someone else, sitting alone, say "hi" and; seconds later you're best friends planning your next day out.

Wouldn't that be awesome?

Or you're like me, a bit hyperconscious and paranoid and never do that unless you've checked people out on the CIA/MI6 database first.

I'd love to say I’m joking but Interpol are yet to get back to me on a separate query.

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