Monday, 21 March 2011

Guys Read

It can be argued that I shouldn't be blogging, I should be curled up somewhere in a foetal mess, dribbling saliva onto my shirt, letting the bogey run out of my nose as I mourn my brother's passing. No doubt he'd get a little satisfaction knowing that I cared that much to let my entire sense of vanity cascade out the window, but he would prefer if I was being the man he knew me to be. Writing is cathartic, for me anyway. He knew that from seeing me time and time again stuck behind my laptop engrossed in a Microsoft Word document. The moments where I feel as though I might lose it, I power up the laptop or unlock the BlackBerry and get to writing. If none of those are nearby I opt for a book.

Several blogs ago, I posted a link about a book called Funny Business. Well, the post was to a video highlighting a site called 'Guys Read' and the book is the first of a series, yet I'm conscious that I'm about to start splitting heirs - hold on ... too late. Anyways, it's a really good book (Funny Business that is, try to keep up). The introduction kicks off with the joke about a joke found in the video clip, so when you start reading it, if you've seen the clip, like me you go off and imagine each writer saying their lines. A day into it and I'm already more than halfway through.
Guy's Read is a collection of short stories, each one as good as the next. My favourite so far is 'Will'. I won't give the plot away but it's a story full of the kind of writing that I love!

I'm ending this blog abruptly because I want to get back to reading and see if there are any more excellent stories. My guess is there are.

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