Thursday, 24 February 2011

Tennis, just tennis ...

People seem to get on better with me when I'm being totally honest. I do this in a jovial way that comes across a bit easier, but in reality if I took away the smile on my face and the light inflections I add to my voice when I say certain things, I don't think I'd have many friends. But it's the fact that I avoid diluting my words that has my friends appreciating what I have to say.
Having a go-to-person that is reluctant to tell you what the 411 is like owning a really fast car with no engine.

I may bruise a few egos on the rocky road to the truth but on reflection I'm told time and time again the hard truth was what was needed especially when there are so many individuals out there ready to tell you exactly what you want to hear, usually because they have some ulterior motive for keeping you on side.

On an unrelated topic, a friend of mine who works out as much as I do (pre hernia) wanted a gym buddy. Gym buddies are hard to find and often, the buddy doesn't always want to work out as intense as you do. So, he finds one and she's cool, but as he found out recently; she isn't as copacetic as he first thought. I won't go into tons of detail because that's his business but his experience made me realise how evil and duplicitous women can be when they're ready. All the dude wanted to do was hit the gym and play racket sports. How hard is that to accept?

Oh well!

I''l end on a song tonight. As I was writing, this one popped into my head. Night folks ...

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