Lasted two whole flippin' weeks. TWO WEEKS! Ever had something annoying not to mention embarrassing at times, happen to you non-stop for two weeks. WELCOME TO MY LIFE.
I had the hiccups all day today. It's 11.55pm and they've stopped, hopefully indefinitely. I had them for a fortnight a few years back. An interestingly bizarre period that saw me unable to have serious conversations and don't ask how I wrote, typed, wiped my nose - with difficultly, if you're angling for an answer.
After two weeks of it the pain was something new in the worst sense of 'new'. My chest and stomach ached. The only upside was the constant tightening of my abs replaced the need for sit-ups, I WAS RIPPED! You know those electronic abs systems that pulsate and make the muscles work; well it was like I'd been wearing one of those since the first run of 'Knight Rider'. Not that I'm braggin' though but lifting up the shirt is emotional.
With any luck it'll end soon! I hope.
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