Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Writing out of a funk

I'm often accused of not sharing my feelings; I keep my thoughts to myself and rarely open up to people, even those close to me.
Accept this as me being a canvas and what you're about to read is as good as what's going on in my head right now.
I've realised that the current pain I'm in, caused by carrying this annoying double hernia is being escalated by my mental state. The pain feels tons worse than it did in the last couple of weeks but true to form I've kept that quiet.
I believe now that the current circumstances I'm in regarding my personal life are making the pain more and more intense. The same thing happened a few years ago and resulted in some severe back pains and insane sciatica.
What the remedy was evaded me for quite sometime until one day I powered up my laptop and started writing about it and anything else on my mind at the time.
It was as though the pain in my joints, bones and muscles was flowing down through my fingers, onto the page but more importantly out of my body. It was an excellent pain relief but I didn't fully believe in it, so every time I stopped writing for longer than a few days the pain would come back.

Like most people, I have to 'feel' to believe and I was feeling a hell of a lot around that time in my life, kinda like the way I'm feeling now. Writing makes me happy, whether it's a page or paragraph, words to a novel I've already started, or anything that pops into my head.

If you have something that makes you happy and it's not hurting you or any body else, find a bit of time away from distractions and just get on with it.

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