Friday, 14 January 2011

A woman's love is far more powerful than a man's ...

Some may disagree, some might even fervently disagree. The fact remains that women seem to be a little better at being in love than men do ...

Why as a guy would you write this? Hopefully I'm asked that question so I can repeat the answer I'm about to give right now.

For us (men that is) we've made up our minds what the plan of action is when our vision settles on a woman for the first time. We're not thinking; house, picket fence, manicured gardens, stylish interiors with space for a nursery – NO no no, we haven't finished putting your clothes back on since we've been undressing you with our eyes for the last two minutes (possibly longer for guys with eager imaginations).

What's so great about women which actually works in favour for men is that, like us, first impressions help form decisions but ultimately men place that first encounter, the initial sighting, as the deciding factor as to the future of any sort of interaction. Should I say this isn't true of all men? Should I bother? I'll continue then ...  

You know, if I'm offending any guys out there feel free to disagree but tell me how many times in the course of the last 24 hours did you see a woman and think: "Hey, I wonder what kind of wife she would make?" or "Is she Mrs Right? So many women have broken my heart and I just want to a hug." If you answered yes to one or more of those scenarios go buy yourself a packet of Haribos and a toothpick and stop reading right now. Seeing as no one has left their computer screen let me remind you that when a woman is in love, chances are she would go that extra mile for you. Men tend to think it’s only acceptable in most cases to put themselves out for a woman if there’s some kind of return, whereas a woman would sacrifice fresh air to make a man happy.

Why is there a discrepancy with that?

Shouldn’t men feel as though it’s their duty to love this woman as much and more because she went as far as to lie on the witness stand for him, hide all his drugs and lie to her own family – now I’m not saying this is the blueprint for a normal relationship – but it’s an example of how deeply a woman can love a man to the point where she can almost lose her identity. And, after all that what does a guy do? Cheats or kicks her to the kerb for someone else. Is that fair? Stop nodding!

I think when a woman decides that she wants you and you only that in itself is a blessing. I’m pretty sure there are some mothers out there thinking: “Who the hell is going to want to spend the rest of their life with this fool?”

If you’re a man fortunate enough to hear a woman say: “I love you!” and mean it, then please make sure she knows you love her right back. Losing a good woman is devastating, there may be many out there but lots of them actually don’t want you.


  1. Well I completely agree but I'm still going to play devils advocate.
    I mean it seems women too are playing what we have come to know as "the male game"
    These "cougars" are eyeing up men like they're pieces of meat, asking themselves the questions like; Is he fit? Does he look loaded? Does he have a large package? and Is he more high maintenance than me? While we appreciate equal opportunities it seems alot of men are switching it up too. I dare say natural instinct of *mmm boooobies* is still there, there seems to be alot of gay/straight men also! Is it down to our age?? Its like they feel they have to prove they're commited and caring and almost letting you know they're going to bend over backwards to please you! Personally I dont like a "soft lad" nor the *spitting, hold your crotch" man. CAN MEN EVER WIN????? Miki H

  2. I was 'freewriting' with this one which is what I aim to do with most of the pieces I post here. A single thought set it off and I refused to stop typing.
    Men (though I am one) are really full of shit, which is not a mystery.
