Monday, 31 January 2011


It didn't need a post entire of its own, but I'm so happy that one of my favourite shows has made a comeback and if anything it's a bit darker than it was before; if that's possible.

Back when it all began, the constant advertising on Sky TV conveying it as a 'scary/sexy' show made it seem like the target audience were 15 - 21yr old girls with nothing better to do than talk on the phone to other 15 - 21yr old girls about hair, nails and two buff guys that drove a black car in a new TV show.
For the most part that's what Supernatural was about and it developed a loyal female following, but I took the time to ignore all the fuzz and watch the pilot episode, which was ok.
I gave it a chance like I do with most shows and watched a few more episodes and it began to get addictive. Not so much for the on-screen action, but the on-screen banter.

Supernatural, now in season 6 doesn't take itself too seriously and has the balls to poke fun occasionally at other shows out there too, namely one of my all-time favourite shows at that. I found even the ridiculing of Grey's Anatomy funny and for that to be acceptable makes me a lifetime fan of the Winchester boys.

To be fair the show came to an end in season 5 and it ended very well. Loose ends were tied and characters laid to rest.
Season 6 has undone everything and turned it all on its head, making for new and exciting storylines, so I'm buckling up and bunkering down for another hell of a ride!

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