Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Life is as epic as you allow it to be ...

After several hours at work in front of the PC writing up a case study, putting together two quarterly reports, dealing with a couple of screaming kids and avoiding the landline like a convict avoiding a bar of soap at his feet, I think - no - I believe I've earned a few minutes to blog and generally clear my head a little.

It's been a strange week, yeah it's Tuesday but I think in dog years so adapt and keep up with what I'm saying.
So far the various managers I work for are demanding reports that are due on Friday 21st January. A victim of my own talent for putting together excellent pieces of work, my inbox has been heavy with requests for these documents to be delivered ahead of time. I'm frowning at these emails knowing I could knock the work out while discovering the cure for stupidity so I do all the work and earn myself several self-awarded brownie points.

Thoughts have been criss-crossing my mind since 9am and the reading I did on the bus to quell them didn't work. One reoccurring thought is of jumping off the bus and going straight back home, the only thing stopping me, knowing the kids I'm due to entertain every Tuesday morning with stories and songs will be upset and I can't have that on my conscience. Give me the blueprints to the London Mint, access codes and a crowbar I'm fine, but the notion of letting down a bunch of tiny people, nah; I just can't process that.
A professional photographer was present this morning so no doubt I'll be in some magazine somewhere pulling a silly face and a bunch of kids pointing at me like I'm from Saturn. Good times [sigh] good times.

What's left to do? Well, re-reading the reports and other bits for a start, then the journey to Leyton to coach basketball.
My life isn't the snowboarding, designer wearing, fast car fuelled party that has me screaming CHAK DE FATTE all day long, yet I wouldn't trade any of it for an atomic second.

Life is as epic as you allow it to be.

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